Healing after Abortion
If you’ve gone through an abortion in your past - whether recent or many years ago - and are looking for healing, Next Step PRC is here for you. Sometimes grief, pain, guilt, and other emotions after an abortion will linger - even if your abortion was years, even decades ago. We have programs and resources designed to help you through the healing process so that you may find joy and freedom once again. In addition, we encourage you to visit the following website for additional resources: abortion changes you.
Post Abortion Healing Groups
Next Step PRC offers a confidential eight-week post abortion bible study. This study can be done individually in a one-on-one setting or in a small group. We encourage group participation for the support and interaction a group setting provides, but recognize that many prefer one-on-one conversations. This study is led by trained women who understand what a woman goes through during and after the abortion process. Many of our post abortion leaders have experienced abortions themselves. This study involves homework, accountability, tears, laughter, friendship, and usually some chocolate. One participant described her experience: “The unresolved conflicts surrounding my past abortion had messed with me. I felt isolated….lost. Now I am FOUND. I am not lost. I am FOUND.”
Read more thoughts about our Post Abortion Healing Groups on our Testimonials page:
Memorial Garden
The Next Step Memorial Garden is a private garden dedicated to celebrating and remembering infants no longer with us due to any form of reproductive or early infant loss, including abortion. It is a place of beauty and rest where anyone may visit to mourn, pray, remember, celebrate and heal. For more information about the memorial garden, and to learn about ordering a remembrance plate, please click the link below:
We know how hard it is to reach out when you’re hurting. We’d love to walk with you.
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